Services We can Offer

Consulting Support

We comprehend client’s current situation from multiple perspectives, conducting research and analysis based on our wide range of technologies and flexible ideas, and we consult on how to get the best system for clients.

Customizing General Purpose CAD

According to your requirements and your business needs, we analyse your operation of general purpose CAD and customize from high-end to mid-range CAD such as CATIA, NX, Pro/ENGINEER(Creo), SolidWorks, AutoCAD, Inventor, etc.

Dedicated 3D System Development

Only customizing general purpose CAD, it is difficult to differentiate from other companies for further efficiency. Our advanced technologies give you business competitiveness by developing your dedicated CAD/CAM/CAE/CAT incorporating domain specific know-how.
Including not only effective, but also for future extensibility and operability, we offer you user friendly and flexible systems. By developing on our platform “MoNo.RAIL”, we are able to provide you a high-quality dedicated 3D CAD and compress the development time.

Development Process

proposal requirement definition software design development implementation / operation maintenance

Algorithm Research

We research algorithm for solving the problem in the manufacturing process or design.

Technologies We can Offer

software tehcnologies
Platform, network, GPU
3D measurement
capturing data from laser scanner of camera, teaching, reverse engineering, inspection
3D modeling
geometry(spline/surface/solid/polygon/point cloud processing), CAD customaizng, viewer
3D simulation
machine motion simulation(procressing machine / robot), optimization
3D manufacturing
manufacturing machine, RP(3D printer))
3D data exchange


Wide Variety of Industries

automobile, auto parts, consumer electronics, architecture, mold, medical, aviation, robot, toy


Business Contents

planning, designing, manufacturing, productive technologies, promotion, research and development


Programming Language

C#, C++, F#, Rust, VisualBasic, Java